A Meaningful Direct Cremation

Whilst Direct Cremation offers numerous advantages, such as cost and simplicity, it has been rightfully noted that an unattended cremation may not allow the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one. We share this concern and would never wish for anyone to have regrets. That’s why we always provide Direct Cremation services followed by a memorial service or celebration of life at our natural burial grounds.

A Direct Cremation can be arranged with The Natural Burial Company and we will then conduct an interment of the cremated remains at the natural burial ground on a day and time convenient to you. This interment can be conducted with tributes, music, and readings. In fact everything that you would want to ensure a truly personalised goodbye. This can also include having a picnic at the natural burial ground if you wish. Many find this a relaxed and rewarding way to share stories and memories with family and friends. Furthermore, we have no time constraints at our natural burial grounds, so you don’t have to worry about being moved on to accommodate another service.

Furthermore, to ensure a natural legacy all of our Direct Cremation services include an interment at the natural burial ground, with three trees planted for each service conducted – one on the grave and two on another area of a natural burial ground.

We can provide shelters, chairs, quality blue-tooth speakers and refreshments. Our team prepare everything and remain present at all times, but you can also conduct everything, including the interment of your loved one and the planting of the tree on the plot, yourselves.

The Natural Burial Company team care deeply for the bereaved and the environment, and we will always do what we can to ensure a meaningful, personal goodbye. Further details are available here Direct Cremation – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk) alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or on (0116) 222 0247.