Service and Value
Direct cremation continues to attract media attention. Up to 18% of funerals in the UK are now direct services and there is every possibility that this style of funeral will continue to grow.
The BBC today provide interesting reading regarding this option Cost of living: ‘I don’t want a funeral, it’s a waste of money’ – BBC News and argue the case both for direct services, and for the traditional funeral service. We agree that everyone should have a choice and no one size fits all. However, what we do believe is important, is ensuring that the quality of care and service is always the same. The best it can be. That’s why the same team who provide our Family Led Services also arrange and care for our Direct Cremation and Burial services.
Our team are experienced and dedicated to supporting the bereaved and the environment. Our arrangers, Christopher and Nina, have 39 and 23 years funeral service experience, and are passionate about making a difference.
Price-wise, our Direct Cremation Service with Natural Burial of Cremated Remains is available from £1,750 and our Direct Natural Burial Service £1,740. For those who prefer a more traditional funeral service, our charges for a complete service (including plot, digging, all arrangements, a cardboard coffin, removal, care, transport, and our team on the day of the service) are available from £2,700. This is a quite some saving when considering the average funeral cost of £4,056.
Finally, we do understand that natural funeral services are not for everyone, and that after a direct cremation some families may wish to to have the ashes returned rather than being buried in a natural burial ground. If this is you, please ensure that you are satisfied with the company you are using and the service they provide. There are many excellent funeral directors who provide caring, quality service for a sensible price. Please don’t be afraid to ask questions, or get a friend to do this for you. The best funeral directors will always be open and answer any questions that you may have.