Tag: Direct Cremation Leicester
A Direct Cremation with a Natural Legacy
We understand that for many reasons you may opt for a direct cremation. Cost, simplicity, or a desire for a more personalised celebration or service after the cremation are just some of the reasons.
However, as we all become more environmentally conscious it is understandable that giving something back to nature is important. Ensuring a natural legacy is a wonderful way to achieve this.
Accordingly, we have chosen to plant three trees for each direct cremation we conduct. Typically, this would be one tree on the grave plot at time of interment of cremated remains, and two trees elsewhere at one of our natural burial grounds. If you would prefer not to have a tree on the grave all three trees can be planted together.
We also wish to ensure that the trees we plant have an immediate impact, not only regarding beauty, but also the positive impact they have on the environment. As such, trees planted are typically a minimum of 2 metres in height at time of planting (subject to species). We will also provide complimentary packs of meadow flower seeds that you can use as you wish. Many people choose to scatter some around the grave, and save some for their own garden or a favourite place.
For further information, or if we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us on (0116) 222 0247 or [email protected]

Direct Cremations from The Natural Burial Company
On occasions we are asked “why does The Natural Burial Company conduct Direct Cremations?” The answer to us is simple, we wish to provide services in the most environmentally friendly way to meet the needs of the bereaved.
We understand that for many reasons people will choose to be cremated, accordingly we would be failing in our duty of care if we did not support this. Therefore, we are proud to provide direct cremation services followed by an environmentally friendly interment of cremated remains.
For each direct cremation we conduct we plant three trees, one on the grave and a further two at one of our natural burial grounds. The trees planted are typically around 2 metres in height (6 to 7 foot, although this will vary by variety), so they are immediately making a difference to the environment.
This not only ensures support for the environment, it also allows you the peace of mind of knowing that there is a beautiful natural legacy for future generations. You may also visit the burial ground whenever you wish, remembering your loved one whilst being at one with a beautiful, natural environment.
The advantages of direct cremation are well known, simple, cost-effective, and allowing a celebration or service to be conducted with the ashes at a later date (for example in the Spring or Summer, when everyone in the family is available, to arrange a picnic at the interment). The Direct Cremation with Natural Interment of Cremated Remains allows this cremation service, whilst ensuring that our dedicated team are supporting you at every step.
For more information regarding services provided by The Natural Burial Company please ring (0116) 222 0247 or email [email protected]

Our Burial Grounds – Scraptoft
Scraptoft Natural Burial Ground, near Leicester, provides a complete range of natural burial and direct cremation with natural burial of cremated remains services.
Scraptoft opened in 2002, as such many areas within the burial ground have matured into beautiful woodland. Plots within both the mature areas and developing woodland are available, meadow areas can also be chosen for interments. Benches are available throughout the burial ground to allow natural, tranquil places to sit and remember, surrounded by birdsong and nature.
The Natural Burial Company are now offering Direct Cremations with natural interment of cremated remains. This allows for a simple unattended cremation service followed by a Celebration of Life or interment service at Scraptoft Natural Burial Ground. The interment at Scraptoft includes a tree on the grave and a slate plaque. Two additional trees are also planted elsewhere to support the environment and to provide a beautiful, natural, legacy.
The natural burial ground is close to Leicester, but easily accessible from much of the East Midlands. Although everyone is welcome at Scraptoft and there are no additional charges or restrictions on who can be interred.
For further details, or to visit Scraptoft, our team can be contacted on (0116) 222 0247 or by email at [email protected]

A Direct Funeral Can Still Be Personal
Much is said of direct funerals being impersonal and not allowing the family an opportunity to say goodbye. This does not have to be the case.
Whilst it is true that an unattended cremation or burial does not allow direct family involvement in this aspect of the service, a funeral or celebration of life can then be arranged. This allows many advantages, including.
Allowing family and friends to say goodbye together on a day and time convenient to all – This could be in the spring or summer if the death was during the winter months. The date could be arranged many months in advance to allow everyone the opportunity to attend. A picnic or other event could be arranged to ensure a truly personal goodbye.
The cost is much cheaper than a traditional funeral service – This allows money to be saved, or to be used for the celebration of life or special event.
You have time to plan – It will be difficult to make important decisions at a time of upset and distress. Having time to consider what’s really important can be so beneficial. Maybe arranging a family meal to remember your loved one and discussing favourite music, readings, poetry, and happy memories can be a positive experience.
Direct Cremation and Direct Burials are not for everyone and we understand that many find comfort in being present with the coffin. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing a full range of services for all. Our team are available to listen and help if you wish to arrange a direct or traditional service, always whilst ensuring that we adhere to our ethos of care and respect for the environment and the bereaved.