Tag: Direct Funeral Midlands
A Direct Funeral Can Still Be Personal
Much is said of direct funerals being impersonal and not allowing the family an opportunity to say goodbye. This does not have to be the case.
Whilst it is true that an unattended cremation or burial does not allow direct family involvement in this aspect of the service, a funeral or celebration of life can then be arranged. This allows many advantages, including.
Allowing family and friends to say goodbye together on a day and time convenient to all – This could be in the spring or summer if the death was during the winter months. The date could be arranged many months in advance to allow everyone the opportunity to attend. A picnic or other event could be arranged to ensure a truly personal goodbye.
The cost is much cheaper than a traditional funeral service – This allows money to be saved, or to be used for the celebration of life or special event.
You have time to plan – It will be difficult to make important decisions at a time of upset and distress. Having time to consider what’s really important can be so beneficial. Maybe arranging a family meal to remember your loved one and discussing favourite music, readings, poetry, and happy memories can be a positive experience.
Direct Cremation and Direct Burials are not for everyone and we understand that many find comfort in being present with the coffin. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing a full range of services for all. Our team are available to listen and help if you wish to arrange a direct or traditional service, always whilst ensuring that we adhere to our ethos of care and respect for the environment and the bereaved.