Tag: green burial
Direct Cremation with Care and Meaning
The benefits of direct unattended cremation and burial are well known. This style of service is simple and cost-effective. It is true though that the service can be impersonal and may lead to regrets. This is not the case with direct services from The Natural Burial Company.
The first concern is that you don’t know who is caring for your loved one. With The Natural Burial Company it is the same team caring for your loved one as arrange and conduct our full funeral services. Everyone is equal in our eyes and arrangements and care will be with Nina, Christopher and our dedicated team.
It has also been noted that many people feel they have missed a chance to say goodbye with a direct funeral. Not being present can impact upon the grieving process. With The Natural Burial Company you can arrange a memorial service or celebration of life at a later date. This allows family and friends to get together to share memories and remember. This could be arranged for a special date such as a birthday or anniversary, or maybe for a summer day with a picnic.
Having a memorial, a place to visit, is also extremely important. With all of our direct services a tree, slate plaque and bird or nature box can be arranged. Our natural burial grounds are beautiful places to visit and remember. Furthermore you are leaving a beautiful natural legacy to support the environment and encourage nature. A memorial tree for example will be a magnificent, living, life-giving memorial for generations.
A direct cremation or burial with The Natural Burial Company will be cost-effective and simple, it will however also be personal and arranged with care and support for you and the environment. For further details you are welcome to contact our team on (0116) 222 0247, by email [email protected] or on our websites https://funeralsdirect.co.uk or Natural & Green Burials – The Natural Burial Company

Plastic Free Funerals
As a company dedicated to caring for the environment and the bereaved, The Natural Burial Company believe it important to do everything we can to care for nature and our beautiful world.
Accordingly, whilst we already ban plastic handles at our natural burial grounds, and only offer environmentally friendly coffins for our Family Led Services, we also believe that the time is right for everyone within funeral service to cease the use of plastic coffin and casket handles.
Today we call on fellow funeral service professionals to support us in saying no to plastic. Please join our campaign #PlasticFreeFunerals.
Plastic Coffin Handles – Time for a Change
For many within funeral service the veneered or foil coffin with plastic handles has been the standard. There are numerous reasons as to why this is the case and over the years this has been the public understanding of what a coffin looks like, although there may have been little understanding that the handles were plastic.
In recent years, public demand for greater environmentally friendly options and innovation from suppliers has resulted in the availability of coffins in greener materials such as Cardboard, Wicker and Wool.
Whilst this change is welcomed there remains an issue regarding the use of plastic handles, in fact it is estimated that 3 million single use plastic coffin handles are used each year. This creates totally unnecessary damage to our climate, especially when more environmentally friendly options such as wood or rope are readily available.
Therefore, we believe that the time is right for all funeral directors to make the change. In our 2023 survey* 84% of respondents answered that they would choose “greener option” wood or rope handles over plastic, a further 5% stated that they may, dependent on the cost.
Therefore, the public demand is there, and the excellent network of coffin and casket suppliers in the UK can provide the options, so any change could almost be instant.
In common with most natural burial grounds, The Natural Burial Company do not allow plastic handles, and their range of coffins, caskets, and shrouds available for Family Led Services (personalised funerals) is made up of environmentally friendly materials only. This includes Willow, Cardboard, Bamboo, Jute, and Wool.
*Environmentally Friendly Funeral Awareness Survey 2023.
For further information www.thenaturalburialcompany.co.uk www.funeralsdirect.co.uk or email [email protected]

A Full Range of Environmentally Friendly Services
The Natural Burial Company are dedicated to providing green and environmentally funeral services whilst offering the best possible value. A full range of services are available, Direct Cremation, Direct Natural Burial, Simple Natural Burial and Full Family Led Natural Burial Services.
We understand that for many reasons we all have different requirements. However, whatever the choice, all arrangements must be conducted with total care, respect and support. Our team are committed to ensuring personal service for all.
We respect that you may require a natural burial but with a more traditional funeral director, this is no problem as we work with all local funeral directors and can also refer you to our traditional funeral director partners if you wish. However, for those who wish for a more relaxed, personalised service we offer the following.
Direct Cremation with Natural Interment of Cremated Remains – A direct unattended cremation, followed by an interment of Cremated Remains at a natural burial ground. To help mitigate the environmental impact of cremation 3 trees are planted for each cremation conducted. The cost of this service is £1,750 if the interment is unattended, or £1,990 with an attended interment service or celebration. Further details are available here Direct Cremation – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk)
Direct Unattended Burial – A direct unattended burial at the natural burial ground. The all inclusive cost is £1,740*. Direct Natural Burial – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk)
The Simple Natural Burial Service – Allowing the value of the Direct Unattended Service, but including a simple service for up to 30 minutes, with up to 6 people able to attend. The Simple Natural Burial Service is £2,250*. Simple Natural Burial Service – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk)
The Full Family Led Natural Burial – A complete personalised funeral or celebration of life service with no restrictions or time or attendance. Only one Full Natural Burial is conducted at each natural burial ground on any day, this allows time for a picnic or complete personalisation of services. The cost of this service starts at £1,700 (exclusive of plot and interment fees). Full Natural Burial – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk)
* Cost inclusive of burial in the natural burial ground and interment fees. The rights to the plot remain with The Natural Burial Company, although the rights may be purchased at a later date if you wish.
An environmentally friendly Jute or Simple Cardboard Coffin is supplied with all services. Other Coffins, Caskets and Shrouds are also available Coffins-Caskets-and-Shroud-Range-May-2024.pdf (thenaturalburialcompany.co.uk)
Our team are available to help on (0116) 222 0247, email [email protected] or between 10am and 3pm weekdays at our Community Hub, 1118a Melton Road, Syston LE7 2HA.

Green Coffins, Caring Service
With the continued growth in direct cremations, direct burials, and more personalised funerals, there is a danger that in some cases key considerations such as environmental care and personal service are lost. That’s one of the reasons why we pride ourselves on providing the best possible service, for a fair price, whilst being as green as we possibly can.
Did you know that 3 million single us plastic coffin handles are used each year? In the majority of cases these handles are just for show, they are not load-bearing. Furthermore, glues, lacquers, and other materials in what are often seen as “traditional” coffins add to the environmental damage. At The Natural Burial Company we reject using these coffins and ensure that every coffin, casket and shroud in our range is environmentally friendly.
Even for direct services we ensure that only coffins that meet our strict criteria are used. This includes the latest coffin within our range, made of Jute, Bamboo and Paulownia. As well as using only environmentally friendly materials these coffins are flat-packed to minimise the environmental impact when being transported from the makers.

Our other coffins and caskets are made from Cardboard, Bamboo, Willow, and Wool. Ensuring a choice, safe in the knowledge that all options are environmentally friendly, and carefully priced to help reduce funeral poverty. Our full coffin and casket range can be viewed here Coffins-Caskets-and-Shroud-Range-May-2024.pdf (thenaturalburialcompany.co.uk)

We are proud that we are able to offer such a green range and thank the excellent coffin makers and suppliers who are working hard to ensure such environmentally friendly choices are available.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further information regarding our range on (0116) 222 0247 or by email [email protected] Our team are dedicated to helping in any way that they can.

Care and Value
Green Funerals are not just better for the environment, they also offer extremely good value for money.
At The Natural Burial Company we provide the following complete funeral services.
Direct Cremation with Natural Interment of Cremated Remains – From £1,750.
Direct Natural Burial – £1,740.
Simple Natural Burial Service – £2,250.
The Natural Burial Funeral Service (Family Led Service) – From £2,890.
For an information pack, further information, or to meet with a member of our team please contact us at any time on 0116 222 0247 or [email protected]

What is a Green Funeral?
We understand that many people would like to know more about green funerals but may find it difficult to find information. Therefore, we offer various options to help the public, community groups, and funeral service professionals to be more aware of how a goodbye can be as environmentally friendly as possible.
You can arrange to meet a member of our team at one of our natural burial grounds at any time, we can also visit you.
Community Groups
We can visit your community group and conduct presentations on Making a funeral greener, Cost-effective Funeral Services, or Natural Burial. The presentation can be general or can include the services provided by The Natural Burial Company. The presentation will finish with a question and answer session and information will be available to take away.
Alternatively, groups can visit our natural burial grounds for a tour and explanation of natural burial, what we offer, and how all funerals can be greener.

Funeral Service Professionals
Celebrants, funeral directors and arrangers, florists, end of life doulas and anyone involved in bereavement and funeral services is welcome to arrange to visit our burial grounds. We can also visit branches and offices to provide information to help professionals be better equipped to help support clients and the general public regarding green funerals.
The General Public
Everyone is welcome to contact us at any time for further information. You can phone on (0116) 222 0247 or email [email protected] and we can send information by email or post.
A personal visit to a natural burial ground is often the best option if you are able, this allows the greatest understanding of natural burial and how we encourage nature and ensure a natural legacy for all in our care.
Our team are here to help everyone to make the right choices for themselves, their loved ones, and the environment.

A Simple Natural Burial Service
It is important to us to ensure we offer a complete range of green funeral services. Natural funerals, direct natural burials and direct cremation with natural interment of cremated remains are all available. However, we understand that there is also a need for a simple natural burial that allows for a service for a limited number of people to attend, whilst keeping costs as low as possible.
That’s why we have developed our Simple Natural Burial Service. To allow for close family to say goodbye in person, without having to pay for a burial plot.
This is a limited service allowing The Natural Burial Company to reduce costs as much as possible. Accordingly, the plot is selected by The Natural Burial Company as is the time of the service. Up to 6 people can attend the interment and the rights to the the grave are not transferred. These grave rights can be purchased at a later date though if you wish.
The total cost of the Simple Natural Burial Service is £2,250. This is an inclusive cost for all a complete burial service, including a Cardboard Coffin. You can also pay for a different coffin, and a Celebrant to conduct a service.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our team on (0116) 222 0247 or by email [email protected] if further information is required.

Helping you make an informed choice
When arranging a funeral service many people look for environmentally friendly options. But if the information you require is not available how do you know you are making the right decision?
For example, many “traditional” coffins have gold, silver or bronze coloured plastic handles. It is believed that up to 3 million of these single use plastic handles are used each year. Alternative handles, such as rope or wood, are available, but they are not always listed within a coffin range.
However, alternatives are available for both traditional and more modern styles of coffin and casket. Accordingly we are asking for all in funeral service to ensure that this open “informed choice” is available to all when arranging a funeral service.

To play our part in helping everyone to make an informed choice we now offer a new complete range of environmentally friendly coffins, caskets, and shrouds. For all coffins and caskets our website and literature will provide details of materials used and where it was weaved/made/manufactured. We believe that this will allow a greater understanding of not only the coffins available, but also the environmental impact they may have.

Furthermore, as supporting the bereaved and fighting funeral poverty is key to our ethos, we do make sure that our coffins, caskets and shrouds are fairly priced as well as being as green as possible.
Our range includes Cardboard, Bamboo, Willow and Woollen, as well as the Earthcare Coffin made predominantly using recycled paper and bark timber from FSC forests. We can also offer additional coffins upon request and are happy to provide the green credentials for all.
Whilst we offer a comprehensive range we do appreciate that you may also have your own family funeral director that you may wish to use. Many funeral directors offer a comprehensive range of coffins and caskets and will be happy to help meet your requests. We allow all environmentally friendly coffins in our burial grounds.
We would welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Our team are available on (0116) 222 0247 or [email protected]

A Meaningful Direct Cremation
Whilst Direct Cremation offers numerous advantages, such as cost and simplicity, it has been rightfully noted that an unattended cremation may not allow the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one. We share this concern and would never wish for anyone to have regrets. That’s why we always provide Direct Cremation services followed by a memorial service or celebration of life at our natural burial grounds.
A Direct Cremation can be arranged with The Natural Burial Company and we will then conduct an interment of the cremated remains at the natural burial ground on a day and time convenient to you. This interment can be conducted with tributes, music, and readings. In fact everything that you would want to ensure a truly personalised goodbye. This can also include having a picnic at the natural burial ground if you wish. Many find this a relaxed and rewarding way to share stories and memories with family and friends. Furthermore, we have no time constraints at our natural burial grounds, so you don’t have to worry about being moved on to accommodate another service.
Furthermore, to ensure a natural legacy all of our Direct Cremation services include an interment at the natural burial ground, with three trees planted for each service conducted – one on the grave and two on another area of a natural burial ground.
We can provide shelters, chairs, quality blue-tooth speakers and refreshments. Our team prepare everything and remain present at all times, but you can also conduct everything, including the interment of your loved one and the planting of the tree on the plot, yourselves.
The Natural Burial Company team care deeply for the bereaved and the environment, and we will always do what we can to ensure a meaningful, personal goodbye. Further details are available here Direct Cremation – Direct Natural Funerals (funeralsdirect.co.uk) alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or on (0116) 222 0247.

Survey shows public demand for greener funerals
A survey, conducted by The Natural Burial Company, has provided clear evidence of public demand for greener funerals, and for more information to be available regarding environmentally friendly funeral options.
Many people are looking to be more environmentally friendly in their lives. However, there has previously been little research regarding demand for green and environmentally friendly funerals. Therefore, The Natural Burial Company conducted a public survey between July and September, the results of which are clear.
The conclusions of the survey are simple. Many want a greater choice of greener options and transparency in information available. More information, and availability of green funeral options is essential. Allowing the bereaved an “Informed Choice” is key.
The survey asked 20 questions, with the opportunity to provide additional information regarding personal attitudes and opinions on green funerals.
Key findings from the survey are as follows.
73% of respondents stated that they would prefer to use the services of a funeral company that worked to strong environmental standards. A further 25% stated that they probably would.
98% of respondents believed that funeral service providers should have information readily available regarding green products and services. 67% thought this should be mandatory.
When asked “what would stop you from arranging an environmentally friendly funeral” 67% stated availability of services, 41% cost and 22% lack of knowledge/awareness.
Knowledge of the cost of greener funerals also clearly illustrates confusion amongst the public. 44% believed a green funeral to be more expensive and 25% less expensive than a traditional funeral service.
Regarding planning of their own funeral service, 56% have made no specific arrangements but stated that they want their funeral to be green.
When asked specific questions, 84% stated that they would select a coffin with “green” handles such as wood or rope, rather than the industry standard coloured plastic options. A further 5% answered that they would, dependent on cost.
This attitude also encompasses other related services. 83% said that they did not want floral tributes wrapped in plastic, and 75% would prefer not to have tributes in plastic trays or using florist foam/oasis.
Christopher Doggett, Managing Director of The Natural Burial Company said “It is clear that many wish for greener funerals, and want a greater understanding of what is available to them in time of need. Having a range of greener services and ensuring transparency regarding available options is so important”.
The Natural Burial Company will be conducting a similar survey in the summer of 2024 to gauge changes in demand and awareness.
For further information, including the full survey results, please contact Christopher at [email protected]

With thanks to Lili, The Countryside Celebrant, and Rachel for the photograph.